Cooking for a Child With Food Allergies

Children can develop allergies and intolerances to different foods at almost any age. An intolerance to a certain type of food can cause many issues in the future, such as making it difficult for your child to attend certain social gatherings or constantly having to ask about the ingredients of food before eating. While this isn’t as big of an issue as most people assume, it can still make your child feel alienated or different from other kids.

Check out An Easy Guide to Understanding Allergies

While those types of concerns can be ironed out as time goes on, it’s important to focus on what’s immediately important with your child’s allergies. Namely, adjusting your cooking habits to fit their needs.

Learn more recipes

It’s always a good idea to expand your culinary knowledge so that you can cook with your child’s food allergies in mind. This can be anything from skipping out certain types of foods to finding substitutes for ingredients that won’t cause a problem for your child’s allergies.

Keep it varied

It’s easy to fall into a habit of cooking the same meals to fit around your child’s allergies, but we suggest keeping it interesting and looking for something new to cook each day to expand your culinary knowledge.

Should you cook separate meals?

You might prefer to cook a separate meal for your child, but this can cause your child to feel alienated or different. We don’t recommend doing this. Instead, we suggest cooking around your child’s allergy limitations and embracing them as an opportunity to learn more cooking recipes.

We’ve added an infographic below that explains what you should know about food allergies in babies and children. It should give you a better understanding of your child’s allergies and how to help them cope with it.

Design: Regis College

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