What Did You Watch – Five Little Doves

Hello and welcome back to What Did You Watch, join us every Thursday to find out which blogger is featured and what they enjoyed watching when they were growing up.

This week we have the very lovely Laura from Five Little Doves to give us an insight into her childhood viewing.

 Thank you for having me! Like most children, I loved watching TV as a child, infact I can still remember the excitement the day that we got Sky television installed! Here are my top five favourites.

1. Dogtanian.

I think looking back, I loved this show mainly for the theme tune, as that’s the thing that sticks in my mind the most. It was such a catchy, uplifting tune and I can still remember all of the words from it thirty years later.  My friends and I used to call ourselves the three musketeers as a results of this show and we still refer to each other as the same in our thirties.

2. Fraggle Rock.

Another favourite, and with an amazing theme tune. Theme tunes were just so much better in the eighties weren’t they?? I loved Boober and still insist that he influenced me to become such a pessimist!

3. Grange Hill.

 This was probably the biggest childrens TV show of my time, and I used to be glued to the screen when it came on. I distinctly remember the song that the cast released, “Just Say No” and in my teens when my friends went a little wild and dabbled with illegal substances, I would sing this song to them and stay on the right path! I owe Grange Hill a huge thank you!

4. Captain Planet and the Planeteers.

I’m like a broken record here but – tune!!! Captain Planet was my hero (gonna take pollution down to zero!), and I remember in my last year of primary school becoming so hung up on saving the planet that I begged my mum to let me be a vegetarian! I think I lasted about three days until Sunday came around and I couldn’t resist a roast beef dinner!

5. She-Ra.

She-Ra was the ultimate feminist of my childhood. She was strong, brave, fierce, beautiful, and she kicked ass!! I can remember wanting to be She-Ra when I grew up, and although sadly I am not the Princess of Power, I have had to be very strong and brave over the years.

If you would like to find out more about Laura and Five Little Doves, you can find her on twitterfacebook and instagram.

Thanks for letting us have an insight into your Childhood viewing, its been great to have you xx

If you would like to be featured on ‘What Did You Watch’ why not drop me an email or tweet me at @HexMumPlus1,

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