What Did You Watch – Beauties and The Bibs

Hello and welcome back to What Did You Watch, join us every Thursday to find out which blogger is featured and  what they enjoyed watching when they were growing up.

This week we have Jessica from Beauties and The Bibs

As a child I loved to watch telly not that my mom sat me in front of the telly all the time don’t worry. A lot of the shows sparked my imagination and I can remember me and my brother recreating what happened.
I think this was one of my favourite telly shows as a child as I can remember it vividly now. This little yellow car would travel around places getting into all sorts of trouble.  On one episode it showed Brum driving through parts of Birmingham, even by the offices that my dad worked at. This amazed me so much and I remember my dad telling me that he would see Brum when he was at work.

Rosie and Jim
This was a big family favourite I remember we would all sit down and watch it .This was also set in Birmingham and I remember when we were little we took a trip there to see the cannel boat. It may off not been the actual one but it was very exciting. The thought that when no one was looking they came to life was just amazing and I seriously thought this is what my toys did when I was asleep.

Chuckle brothers
I didn’t start watching this till I was older but thought it was hilarious. You would be watching it knowing what the outcome was going to be but still found it so funny. Also the phrase “to me to you “is so well know. I still hear it used today especially when we moved into our new house and moving the furniture.

Supermarket Sweep
I loved this program and always wanted to be on the show, I think if I was asked to appear on it now I really would. I do chuckle at myself sometimes whilst dashing around the supermarket in a mad rush as I pretend I’m on supermarket sweep, ( I’m not a weirdo I promise !). Playing supermarkets was once of my favourite games to play and I remember making barcodes for all my toys. Then using the bottom of the computer mouse to scan the item making a bleep sound.

Get your own back
This was a program I remember watching thinking I would love to get my parents to go on . The thought of covering them in gunge would be hilarious. Sadly this never happened for me but they need to watch their backs just in case it comes back on telly .

The more I start to think about all the different telly programmes I used to watch, the more I think about all the memories that come along with them.

Jessica is quite a bit younger than me, because I remember my eldest daughter watching some of these!.

If you would like to find out more about Jessica and Beauties and The Bibs, you can find her on Facebook, twitter and Instagram.

Thanks for letting us have an insight into your Childhood viewing, its been great to have you xx

If you would like to be featured on ‘What Did You Watch’ why not drop me an email or tweet me at @HexMumPlus1

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