Understanding Your Child’s Learning Style

A child’s learning style will vary from person to person, and it may well be much more different to your own way of learning. Having a chance to understand your child’s key learning style will have great benefits your child will be able to take advantage of, giving them the skills to revise, pick up complicated methods and become a better learner.

Here in this guide from this nursery in Hampshire, we take a look at the ways you can better understand your child’s learning style.

Knowing which style your child uses

It may take some time to discover how your child learns best in their environment and a lot of monitoring. Look at how they handle a range of abilities and what they prefer to use when it comes to learning.

There are 4 main learning styles: auditory, visual, reading and writing and kinesthetic.

Auditory is focused on your child’s listening skills. They prefer listening to the information being delivered in the classroom, or follow something that is presented vocally. Reading aloud is also a good way of seeing whether your child learns in this way.

Visual learners rely on videos, prompts in front of them and using charts, diagrams, graphs and illustrations to absorb information. Visual learners thrive on getting their information through imagery.

Reading and writing based learners love picking up books and making notes with them, highlighting them on a page and reminding themselves of what they’ve learnt. Reading through their notes over and over is easily memorised and they can use flashcards as revision aids.

Kinesthetic learners are reliant on interactive and physical activities to demonstrate a theory or element of their learning. These types of learners love experiments organised in science classes, teamwork and organisation tasks to test their skills.

Using different activities

To figure out how your child learns, the best way is to incorporate a range of activities that test their skills. Word games and spelling exams are great with reading and writing learners for example. And baking is a fun way of testing a child’s science skills if they’re more of a kinesthetic learner.

Lean on your child’s wants and needs to help you work together on the best learning style for them. Remember that your child may well be a mix of all of these learning styles, two of them, or just focused on one learning style. There’s no right or wrong way to learn, but their style should be accommodated for at home and in school.

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