Top Tips For A Dad Makeover

Having children is a blessing, whether you have one child or you have several you will be aware of how lucky you are to share your life with them. You will also be aware of how tired, overworked, stressed and out of shape you probably are. When you put your children first all the time, you quite often put your health and wellbeing on the backburner, usually without even noticing it. It is never too late to make a change or make a difference, but where do you start. How do you give yourself a makeover and what is first? To begin with you must establish what you want to achieve.

End Goal And Achievement

So, what are you looking to achieve? Are you looking to lose weight, or simply to tone up within the next 12 months? Are you looking at a full makeover? Or are you looking to get a new job or even pursue a new hobby. If you do not set out targets and goals (as boring as they are) then you will end up without purpose and direction, and quite often you will find yourself in the same position a few months down the line.

Eating Right

Even if you are happy with the shape that you are in, you could probably do with eating a little bit cleaner or healthier. Focusing more on what you eat and why will give you more balance within your diet. When your diet is more balanced you will notice an improvement to your energy levels, and an overall improvement to how you feel. Try to switch up the meals you cook and eat and try to include ingredients that are locally and organically sourced where possible.

Hair Transplant

Most men enjoy having a full head of hair and thinning hair can make men feel and look older than they are. If you are losing your hair or it is thinning more than you like, then you can take control of the situation, you can have a hair transplant and regain that thick head of head you once had. At Harley Street Hair Clinic you can have a hair transplant which can help you regain some of the youth and positivity you might have lost somewhere along the line after having children! A hair transplant can lift anyone’s spirits, and it can leave you ready to tackle the world head on.

Man picking shirt from closet. Fashionable wardrobe

The Wardrobe

What clothes do you see yourself wearing? Does your style change, or do you have a set amount of clothes that you go to, day in and day out? When you have children, it can be very easy to just throw on whatever is closest to you, but you should really be taking time out to think about what you are wearing and why. Going through your cupboard and look at what you have, if you do not wear it then it is time for the bin. If it is overworn, then it is also time for the bin. If it still has the tags on, then it is time to donate it to a local charity shop. Once you have cleared out your wardrobe you are able to start again.

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