Keeping Your Kids Occupied Next Winter Holiday

Keeping your kids entertained during their holidays always requires some attention. During the summer, things are quite easy. You can just let your kids roam around outside to play football on the grass, go and explore a bit of the neighbourhood or let them go for ice cream. At the moment the sun’s out in force, but winter is just a few months away. During winter, things get a little bit tricky in the kids’ entertainment department. And every parent knows that having bored kids in your home is just asking for trouble. Here are some ideas to keep your kids occupied during the winter holiday (and hopefully prevent them from wrecking the house) to help you get prepared, because ‘winter is coming’. And you know what they say: if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

Kids are bombarded with festive ads during the winter break, so it is only natural for them to have a massive list of demands for the holiday season. Remind of what truly matters this season by seeking out volunteer opportunities. Local animal shelters and homeless shelters are a good option to consider. You can also help elderly neighbours during the winter holiday, such as clearing a driveway, hanging up Christmas lights or making them a meal. Volunteering is a great bonding experience for you and your child, and it also helps your child to meet others who are in need.

Something active out of the house might also be a good option. Plan a hiking trip through a snowy forest. The best thing about that is that your kids can help collect twigs and pine cones for some holiday decorations. Kids of all ages can enjoy a nature walk, especially if you give them something to do. Other active options include going to a local soft play or winter swim lessons for kids. There’s bound to be plenty of opportunities for you kids to get rid off that pent up energy in an appropriate and sensible way.

If leaving the house is not an option, then consider things to do in the house. What about making cookies? Kids love to decorate cookies, and it can easily keep them occupied for a while, and there’s the eating of the said cookie as a reward at the end. For younger children, put frosting on a plate with a plastic knife, and give them a small cup of sprinkles, instead of the whole container. Listen to a holiday audiobook while you decorate for even more fun.

Another option is to have a talent show! Tell your kids that a talent show will be held with prizes just before family movie night. This will hopefully motivate them to spend time practising their talent before the big event, which will keep them occupied. That actual talent show will be a fun family moment that everyone can partake in before settling down to a movie. Don’t forget to record the show for priceless memories. And don’t forget to get the prizes either. Maybe one of those cookies you previously made?

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