Kaide’s about to start year 5!

DSC_0063 The time just seems to be flying past, it really doesn’t seem like that long ago that I was giving birth to Kaide, and here he is about to start year 5 and will be 10 in a couple of weeks.

Height wise, he is still  ‘petite’, the oldest in his year, and definitely the smallest, in fact Eowyn is only about an inch shorter than him, but I keep telling him Lochlan was exactly the same at his age and he now towers above me.

It seems strange when I think both Xene and Lochlan were off to middle school at Kaide’s age, I am quite glad that the school system changed as he really doesn’t seem ready to leave Primary school just yet!

Kaide still LOVES maths and numbers and will avoid English homework at all costs, which isn’t great as his summer holidays project was to write six book reports, as you can imagine that has been a real struggle for him!

I am hoping that he will be well enough to start year 5 on Monday as he is currently fast asleep on the sofa with a high temperature…

Kaide is looking forward to playing super big brother as Tyrus is about to start in reception, but that’s for another post!

He still loves any kinds of sport and playing minecraft with his buddies. He is a very polite and caring boy, who only ever seems to disagree with Eowyn.

I am looking forward to seeing how he progresses this year, its hard to believe he will be at high school this time in two years…

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