How to Make Your Home Safe for Your Kids

By nature, children are inquisitive and they like to explore their surroundings. This is adorable, but a wrong step can lead them to injury or worse. One of your main goals when designing a living space for your kids should be making it child-proof. This means that even a kid that is trying its best to get into dangerous situations should fail. No measure is too great when the safety of your kids is on the line, so here are a few examples that can help you better protect your child.

1. Prevent Dangerous Falls

Falls are the number one cause of hospital visits across all ages. Your child will constantly try to grapple onto things and climb all over the place, so you need to take certain measures to make sure damage is minimized. First and foremost, observe how much your child is growing and notice which ledges it can reach with newfound height, and adjust accordingly. Take this into account with windows and lock them regularly, or install firm window guards.
As your kid gets heavier, anything that it can climb, it might also topple over. Things like cupboards are a hazard so make sure you bolt them on to walls. Preventing your child from climbing things or tripping is futile, so take measures that will make injury less likely. Leave a hall light on at night or use low-power lights on your stairs so they can be more aware of their surroundings.

2. Keep Things Clean and Non-Toxic

A clean living space is a key to a safe upbringing. Unsanitary conditions are a breeding ground for diseases. Dust, grime, and leftover food might cause your child allergies or infection. Food shouldn’t be left outside or it might attract rats and cockroaches which are known carriers of nasty bacteria.
There is nothing that children won’t put in their mouths, even if it tastes awful. Any medicine, make-up or cleaning supplies have to be kept away from their reach at all costs, as these are the most common culprits in home poisonings with children. Keep all supplies and medicines in a locked cabinet with child-resistant tops. Houseplants are usually slightly poisonous so research the species you want to get before buying it.

3. Check Appliances Regularly

Household appliances are useful tools for everyday living, but they can easily harm children. Electrical injury is the number one fear, above all else. Any loose copper wires can be instantly fatal so their rubber isolation should be checked consistently. Take special care with appliances near water, like in the bathroom.
Gadgets have a set life expectancy so some failure is inevitable. When childproofing your home, total appliance repair should be mandatory. Fixing faulty wiring is essential for preventing electrocution. Electrical injury is nothing to go easy on, so spare no expense, and if you suspect a fault, contact someone like to repair the appliance.

4. Educate Your Child

As your child gets older it will slowly learn to talk, but more importantly, to listen. Put an emphasis on safety right from the start. They will instinctively learn about the consequences of cuts and bruises, but you need to point out some subtler things. Teach them that preventing injury is preferable to healing it.
You won’t always be there when they start walking to school, or even when they are at school or rehearsal, so talking about safety outside the home is essential, too. Not talking to strangers and not accepting rides to school with them are the basic things you can teach. Bullying is another important topic. Let them know you are a safe person to confide in.


Child safety is of utmost importance to any parent. There are so many dangers in the world, inside and outside your home. Until your child is old enough to properly comprehend danger, you are their guide and protector. These are just some crucial things to watch out for. Common sense and a protective nature will tell you what to do next.


Bio: Patrick Adams is a freelance writer and rock-blues fan. When he is not writing about home improvement, he loves to play chess, watch basketball, and play his guitar. More than anything, he loves to spend his time in his garage, repairing appliances and creating stuff from wood.

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