Exploring STEM Subjects in the Home

Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths make up the four main STEM subjects. They are essential for your child’s overall academic progression because they help to develop valuable life skills, including the ability to solve problems, experiment and work well alone or as part of team.

Childhood is the most appropriate time to begin exploring STEM subjects and parents can help by encouraging related learning activities in the home. With current school closures, there’s no time like the present to get started. Read on for some examples, provided by an independent day school in London, on how parents can explore STEM subjects within the home.

Science Experiments

Children are naturally curious and usually enjoy experimentation. They are inquisitive and ask lots of questions to try and uncover how things work. Parents can help to inspire their children by preparing some science experiments using simple items you already have in your home, like bubbles or food colouring.

The Great Outdoors

Science is a huge umbrella subject and doesn’t just refer to experiments and chemicals. It could be something as simple as exploring the great outdoors to stimulate their senses. Take a walk and talk about any wildlife you notice or discuss how the weather affects the rest of nature.

Board Games

Games are more educational than you might think. Monopoly, for instance, will allow you child to develop their mathematical skills because they will have to add and subtract their money. Puzzles require concentration and problem-solving skills. Board games are also a great way to spend some time together as a family.


If your child enjoys helping in the kitchen, you could consider turning this time into an entertaining STEM lesson. Bake a cake together and ask your youngster to calculate the ingredients and length of time in the oven.

If require more information about STEM subjects and how to explore them in the home, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the teachers at your child’s school.

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