Benefits of Video Games For Kids

There are some parents who consider video games to be quite destructive for children especially when taken in the light of the growing concern about childhood obesity. While the issues raised are valid, it doesn’t prove the fact that playing video games is the only reason why children are growing fat and obese. New studies now show that, when coupled with sensible parental controls, playing video games can actually be beneficial for kids. Here are some of the benefits of video games for kids cited by these studies.

Fosters creativity and imagination.

There are a variety of computer games that specifically calls for kids’ imagination and creativity. Take for instance Minecraft and other similar video games. Children are essentially given a barren world wherein they can use a variety of tools to create a world that they see fit. They can build characters, landscapes, building structures, and other things that will make the world that they believe are the ideal. They can also decide on the story line of their game play. This entails imagination especially in terms of identifying the different roles that their characters will have to play.

Encourages use of problem solving skills.

Just as video games can help children make full use of their creativity as well as imagination, these games can also help refine their problem solving skills. Most computer games come with a variety of missions or objectives which need to be completed or achieved. Children will have to find a way to achieve these objectives by reflecting on their experiences, using their knowledge of the game and its inherent controls, and by adhering to some principles established by the developers of the game. The thing is that these types of activities enable children to be presented with a variety of circumstances upon which they can use their cognitive skills to solve a particular problem.

Inspires interest in things about the world.

There are some games whose contents are an allusion to real objects, places, and events in the world. For instance, Civilization, Age of Empires, Age of Mythology, and other similar games can actually spark the interest of children in world history, culture, geography, politics, and even international relations. Many video games have their storylines within the backdrop of historical places and events including important individuals in the history of man. We can actually use these games to augment their lessons in history, social sciences, culture, and even international diplomacy. We can help them better understand geology and geography by augmenting certain game plays with appropriate readings from books. These can greatly enhance their understanding of how the world works.

Improves children’s ability to socialize.

Many of today’s games are delivered as multiplayer online platforms where players from all over the world get to interact in the virtual world to accomplish their respective missions. While it is true that virtual communications and interpersonal interactions are different from actual person-to-person interactions, these nonetheless, lay the groundwork for socialization. Children learn about the likes and dislikes of other people from other countries. They also get the chance to interact with them to achieve a common goal.

May help with physical activity.

Contrary to what many video game detractors think, there are several applications that can be excellent physical exercise for children. There are also game consoles that integrate a variety of motion sensors that enable players to control their gameplay characters using specific body movements. These may not be as physically demanding as running or pumping iron but it still is physical activity.

Video games can have a lot of benefits for kids. One simply has to have an open mind to the endless possibilities of gaming. This selection of cool kids ps4 games will help you give you an idea on the most popular products at the moment.

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9 thoughts on “Benefits of Video Games For Kids”

  1. Yes kids need to play game but some parents don’t understand about it . It’s help them build new idea new design form beginning their godhood. I believe their are many funny .learning games in this world. It can help develop their mind and education

  2. Amazing how times have changed. When I was a kid my parents didn’t think video games stimulated anything but laziness. More often than not they would turn off my NES and tell me to go play outside.
    Now the focus has shifted and more people/parents actually see the benefits of playing games.

  3. There are benefits in playing video games. The important thing here is that we should see the benefit of it in how kids are enjoying it and many more. I loved reading your blog post. Thank you so much for sharing this one. 🙂

  4. Since childhood, I love to play video games. At least I try video games for once and I’ll play this games with my siblings. nowadays we can play the games on mobile phones easily but still, the fun of playing video games on tv is awesome and it cannot be compared to mobile phones. I think your article must be read by each and every parent so they can understand that they also have to play video games with their kids, but they have to fix time limits


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