5 Types Of Exercise You Probably Never Knew Existed

Finding the right exercise for you isn’t always easy. Some people love running and lifting weights, while others prefer yoga and hiking.

But the best thing about exercising is that there are so many different types of exercises that you can try, and it’s always fun to try other things to find what fits you.

However, did you know that there are some exercises you’ve never heard of before? They could be just fun for you to try. Here are five types of exercise that you’ve probably never knew existed: 

1. Anti-gravity yoga

Anti-Gravity Yoga is a type of yoga in which you use a harness to help you hold poses for more extended periods. This allows you to work at deeper levels, stretch more, and strengthen your core muscles.

Most gyms offer Anti-Gravity yoga classes and other forms of exercise like strength training, cardio, and stretching. If you’re interested in trying it out, make sure the class uses a weightless environment).

The benefits include increased flexibility and strength and improved balance, which can help prevent falls later in life due to arthritis or diabetes complications that affect joint movement over time.

2. Golden Age aerobics

Golden Age aerobics is a type of exercise popular in the 1980s. It’s a type of aerobic exercise that mixes dance and traditional aerobics with upbeat music and lots of energy.

Golden Age aerobics can be done almost anywhere, as long as you have enough space to move freely. There are no special tools required—just your body!

If you’re unsure where to start, try looking up some videos online to get an idea of what it looks like before trying it yourself.

3. Tug-of-war

Tug-of-war is a simple game that can be played in any open space, and it’s an excellent way to build upper body strength.

For example, if you have a large tree branch, you can have your partner hold one end and walk away from another while pulling the branch until one person wins. The best thing you is that you can do with your children

4. Kegel exercises

If you’ve ever had a baby, you’re familiar with this exercise. If not, here’s what they are: Kegel exercises involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, essentially just a fancy way of saying “your butt.”

The goal is to strengthen these muscles to control better things like your bladder and bowel movements and to reveal leaks.

In many ways, kegel exercises are similar to regular sit-ups or crunches—you contract your abdominal muscles until they’re tight, then relax them completely before repeating the process.

However, since these muscles aren’t as easy to locate or isolate as those more visible on our bodies, like our abs or doing an exercise we do to help with our glute ham raise, it can be helpful to use some guidance when first starting.

5. Intense crunches

Are you one of the many people who do crunches every day? If so, you should know about new ways to do them.

There’s the standard version where you lie on your back and lift your torso towards your knees. You can also try doing them on your knees with a medicine ball or even a towel to make it more difficult.

Another way to vary them is by doing them on an incline bench rather than flat ground—be sure that whatever surface you use is sturdy enough for the job. We don’t want any broken hips happening here.

These are just a few examples of exercises you have probably never heard of. If any of these sounds found to you. You can always search online for your local class to learn more.

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