10 Ways You Can Be A Better Parent To Your Child


When it comes to parenthood, there is an unspoken “wisdom” that has been around in society for generations. Once a baby is in the picture, even the most inexperienced parents just know how to go about parenting.

Parenting is a lifelong process that can be improved upon and added to with time and learning. Sure, you don’t always get everything right but what matters is that you take steps to correct behaviour that may negatively affect your child.

This is an extremely important issue because the type of relationship you have with your child shapes their personality, relationships, and life.

Every parent wants their child to thrive. The first step towards that is to take a good look at useful, contemporary parenting methods and improvise. The following 10 tips here may help you along the way.

1. Be What You Wish Your Child To Be

During the formative years of a child’s life, curiosity is at its peak. They are so unaware about everything that every tiny detail piques their interest. Remember, your child is always watching and observing you. As an adult, they’ll always look up to you. Use their imitation tendency to good use by instilling positive values in your child. Be polite, kind and loving and this will encourage them to do the same. Alternatively, if you avoid negative behaviour, they’ll also be motivated to do the same.

2. Love Your Child

You may often hear parents complaining about their children being spoiled brats. They are quick to accuse excessive love or caring as a cause. However, it is much the opposite. These above traits are very positive and a great tool to impart good values in children. It is only when love is replaced by material substitutes that spoils a child. Some children are given everything they ask for, others are allowed to do whatever they want. Neglecting children causes them deep emotional pain and promotes harmful behaviour. Don’t be afraid to show your love. Listen to children when they want to be heard or give out hugs to comfort them. Reward them with a toy for consistent good behavior and praise them.

3. Always Be There for Your Child

Raising children is no easy feat. Parents get so busy after assigning their children to work, that they go back to doing household chores or so on. Life as a parent is very hard especially when time travels faster than light and work keeps piling up. Squeeze in some time to be there for your child. This doesn’t mean just helping them with homework but also taking the time to listen to their problems or doing a fun activity with them. This aids bonding between the both of you

4. Modify Your Parenting Style to Suit Your Child

Priorities change as a person ages and it is the same with children. You have to change the way you parent to suit your child at different ages. For example, younger children need extra care or attention since they are just beginning to comprehend the world. As a parent, you can’t give them a lot of freedom. They need to be constantly watched so they don’t land themselves in trouble. As the child gets older and steps into adolescence, the attention span given to them should change but not lessen in amount. Teenagers are prone to depression or insecurities. Adolescence is a difficult time in everyone’s life, especially because things seem so confusing. Your child’s grades may drop and interests may change. You can be your most supportive self by talking to them and hearing them out. Don’t push them to do better or neglect their needs. This may build resentment or teenage angst in them.

5. Create and Enforce Some Basic Rules That Your Child Must Follow

Discipline is an important aspect of any man’s life and when done right will certainly lead to success. You need to establish some basic rules that your child should follow from the get-go. Once the child is used to doing things one way despite being incorrect, no amount of discipline will work. Habits are formed over years of practice and a bad habit can become very destructive if not corrected early on.

6. Allow Your Children to Make Their Own Decisions

The older a child gets, the greater is their yearning to see the world. This desire for autonomy is part of the human nature which parents often take for being disobedient. Although it’s essential that you set restrictions in your child’s life, don’t overprotect them. If you do, your child will be at a disadvantage later in life. Nurture an independent streak in your child and let them grow.

7. Stick to Your Parenting Methods

If you want a habit to be ingrained in your child, consistency is key. You have to stick to your methods and ensure they are being followed as often as possible. When you don’t enforce a rule too often or occasionally, it will confuse your child.

8. Never Be Physically or Verbally Abusive

Always remember that aggression transcends more aggression. Never ever hit or verbally assault children. It can become a vicious abusive cycle. Physically hurting children can create anger that your child may let loose on another person. This can turn them into bullies or create lasting resentments, ruining your relationship. Hitting them can even lead them to become victims or offenders of domestic abuse later on in life. Verbal assaults lead to lower self-esteem and depression. Parents are supposed to protect children so never let your child feel unsafe with or hurt by you. You can use alternate methods like timeouts or cutting off privileges if your child misbehaves.

9. Discuss Things with Your Child

I cannot stress the importance of discussing things with your child. Talking can bridge gaps and educate your child about what truly matters. Every parent has certain hopes for their children and by discussing these matters you can come to a mutual agreement while learning about their interests too. You can work as a team to achieve his or her goals. This will positively impact your relationship.

10. Respect Your Children as Individual

 Children are younger, more immature and less experienced than us. We are tasked to care for them from birth. But, we treat them as though they don’t know any better. However, it’s important you respect them and their individuality. Children tend to mimic parents and if they see positive emotions directed their way, they are likely to treat you and others similarly.


Parenting is tough and we are bound to make many mistakes along the way. However, the fact that you are taking the time to research resources to gain knowledge on how to be a better parent is the first step to actually becoming one. This incredibly difficult yet rewarding journey is a long one and lasts a lifetime. Hopefully, this article has helped you overcome some of the difficulties of parenting.

Author Bio:

Stepheny is a content writer at FeedFond. She’s a loving mother to her two children and is passionate towards child psychology. To read more of her articles, visit FeedFond.com.


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